Monday, October 4, 2010

[in]duce at Melbourne City Square from quinn delany on Vimeo.

We took our slot card experiment to Melbourne City Square to test reaction and engagement. As this is a popular place for corporate Melbourne to lunch, we were hoping that the City Square would provide us with a different atmosphere to that of the Queen Vic Market. Unfortunately this was not entirely the case on the day that we visited due to a cycling event which created a similarly festive vibe.

Once again, we found kids to be the most easily attracted to the activity and so we actively focused on attracting adults to the activity. The reception was mixed, with a relatively equal number of people refusing and accepting our offer. Amongst the acceptees, we were pleasantly surprised at the readiness and williness to engage, although we did find that the engagement was kept to a much shorter passage of time than that of the children.

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